I hear from a lot of people how they have to remove themselves from social media because it just gets them down, or makes them feel terrible about themselves.
I get it. Facebook is all your friends and their exploits. You can’t just follow random people without looking like a weirdo.
But Instagram is all you. You don’t have to follow celebrities who are always amazingly done up or that annoying mom blogger who always has her kids smiling and perfectly dressed. Don’t dismiss it because you think it’s all fake. People… there are literally 800 million active users.
Personally, I go to Instagram to get lost in beautiful imagery. I want to be inspired, to see somewhere new or to just see something gorgeous to brighten my day. Maybe you are into antique airplanes, sunglasses or the dessert – I’m sure there’s something for you there.
Now I’m not selling Instagram and screen time. But I’m just trying to say there’s more to it than following celebrities which I am not into at all (unless they are like celebrity photographers say, I suppose).
Here are some accounts that I personally love and hope you do too. I have only linked to them as I’m not really down with stealing their photos (even if it is to promote them).
Chris Burkard – Gorgeous landscape imagery that will want to make you head to the Arctic on a road trip.
Linda Lomelino – Dark and moody food photography (remember – she does this FOR A LIVING… do not compare your food photos to her!)
een_wasbeer – European city architecture that will make you swoon.
georgianlondon – for all Anglophiles pining for a visit to London
giuligartner – More gorgeous landscape imagery (perhaps you can see a theme to my favourites?)
Magnum Photos – thought worthy photos from the famous collective.
You can see more of who I follow on my Instagram feed. Yes, I also follow lots of other moms but most are photographers and are inspiring (Summer and Yan are some of my FAVES and I’ve been so lucky to have taken courses with both.)
So my point is – there is beauty out there, you just have to be selective