When I was preparing for my first baby I read all sorts of parenting books to prepare me for all the essentials like birth, diaper rashes and breast feeding. Once the baby arrived though I realize that there was so much more to little bundles of joy than the best baby wash.
Like how to keep your sanity.
Kirsty Smith, blogger at Eeh Bah Mum, is one of the funniest ladies I’ve ever come across. She’s completely honest, engaging and a mom. Thank goodness she was asked to write a book on life with little ones because it’s completely hilarious and painfully true.
It’s such a great read for any parent. It might scare parents-to-be a teeny-tiny bit but it might be good for them too.
How to Have a Baby and Not Lose Your Shit
Here are a few of my favourite excerpts from the book.
To be really happy as a mother you have to move expectations. Being a mum is not about being good at it; it isn’t something you can ‘win’. Having a baby that sleeps through the night, or feeds perfectly, or walks and talks first doesn’t mean you are a better parent. Parenting is about getting on with whatever challenges present themselves that day.
(So true Kirsty, so true.)
Every day you make it through with or without crying you are winning. There’s a lot of winning in this book; most of my parenting involves simply telling myself I’m doing fine.
(me too!)
Remember that doing mum shit all day is hard work and very unrewarding so don’t be afraid to congratulate yourself for life’s tiny victories. Chill the fuck out and enjoy the baby bubble, it doesn’t last for long and once you’re out the other side you’ll be back to your ass-kicking former self.
(I’m all about tiny victories Kirsty!)
The book is small but each page packs a wallop of treasures.
There are a lot of other parents that I don’t really relate to. They knew they were going to be a mom all their life, or seem super confident (even if they aren’t really) or we just aren’t on the same wavelength. Kirsty was different and I was glad. I found myself nodding along all the time.
Here is the link to the book so you can once again feel like the awesome mom you are, have a laugh and save your sanity. Or be a pal and get it for a friend who needs a laugh. She’ll love you forever.
Thanks Kirsty for allowing me to reproduce some of the content of your awesome book. And here’s the link to the book again because you’ll feel so much better after you read it. Need it now? Here is the link for your kindle
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