Hey guys,
Did you read about my a day in HER life over on Emily’s fabulous blog Our Nest in the City? If you ever wondered what I did all day, here it is – in detail. Can you relate to any of it? Or is it totally foreign to you? I’d love to hear.
This weekend we are busy and not busy as usual. Christmas brunch, swimming and birthday parties are all on the calendar. There will also be downtime and just hanging out plus some outdoor time. What’s up with this weather! I thought I’d be trudging through snowbanks by now.
ALSO, I am looking to upgrade my camera gear. If there is anyone in the Montreal area selling a Canon 6D or Canon 5D mk ii body please let me know. Also, I’m looking for a 50mm (f1.4 or lower) or 35mm lens. Please email me.
Thanks guys and have a good one!
xx Michelle
I know it’s not even that cold out yet (!) but these scarves are gorgeous.
And even more ridiculous. (I guess if you’re celebrating in the tropics?)
I pretty much want everything in this entire store – even the stuff I don’t need like sparkly tops for toddler girls. Just ’cause it’s gorge. (These kiddy shades!)
For all your Japanese KitKat needs. (Purple Sweet Potato KitKat!)
Does anyone know or use this Montreal parent website?
Still looking for a gift for your guy? Try this fantastic Montreal-based online retailer. (It’s NOT Frank & Oak
And another idea from another Montreal-based retailer. This amazing bike rack (amongst other cool stuff)
I kind of want to make this recipe – what do you think? Way too unhealthy?
(Moscow Metro Photo from Flickr)