Howdy Folks! Halloween is coming up! Yay! Last year, I hosted a CRAZY halloween party. I very casually told my husband I was going to have a few friends over and then proceeded to invite 6 moms and their dressed up babies. He didn’t know about the true extent of the chaos until he saw the hilarious photo of all the kids in various stages of happiness.
That’s Bastien right in the middle as the chubby little elephant. The kids from L-R are Max, Leo, Bastien, Charlotte, Lily, Lila and Rafi!
By far the hardest part was lining up all the kids on the couch. We were all laughing so hard at the ridiculousness of it. Because, it is ridiculous.
We are going to try and take the photo again, so I’ll post the results if we manage to get our now-mobile kids to stand still for more than two seconds.
I’m not hosting a party again, but that doesn’t stop me from going crazy pinning halloween food on Pinterest. Because, what’s not to love about scary or disgusting looking food! Here are a few of my favourites:
This actually looks freaking scary….
A more sophisticated take on Halloween Food
Because eating severed fingers is gross
Because that’s just gross. Eating yuck insect eggs? blech
Kitty litter cake? Poop is gross…
Bandaids are gross… she’s got other good ideas on her site (link above) as well.
I actually think these are really cute. The blog doesn’t give a recipe but it would be easy enough to do with some Oreos and Reeces Pieces.
And because you are going to get thirsty, what’s a punch without eyeballs?