Hi Friends,
What’s up with this weird weather? Yacks!
This week was a fun one. I’m starting to get in touch with people all over the world for this year’s Travel with Toddlers series and I have some great destinations lined up. Even if you don’t make it to any of these destinations personally, I think it’s always fascinating to see what other people are up to around the world. I’m also always in touch with people who want/are willing to collaborate on the blog. I am always up for supporting other entrepreneurs. It’s a seriously tough gig to be self-employed and it takes a huge leap of courage. High five to all those who have decided that this is the path that’s right for them and are trying to make it work.
Have a wonderful weekend and thank-you for supporting this blog!
xx Michelle
-I’m kind of obsessed with these paddles.
-Have you ever asked yourself who made your clothes?
-We had some AMAZING toasts at our wedding (which is pretty cool considering we tinkered with not having any toasts). Here is Vogue’s take.
-We are going to head to this music class with the kids. Can’t wait!
-There are so many things about this blog I love, but here are tips for visiting an art museum with kids.