Weekend Links

May 22, 2015 , In: Weekend Links , With: No Comments

Thank-you for such a wonderful response to my post about What Blogging’s Really Like on Wednesday.  I debated whether I should post it because I didn’t want it to feel too wah-wah for me, but I’m glad I did.  All your encouragement was wonderful.

My son needs a haircut and I think we are going to give him a bit of a summer cut… his hair is so thick that the sunscreen just makes it disgusting.  It may not be my first choice but I think he’ll appreciate it and I’ll get used to it.  I did try to cut it myself in the backyard the other day, which was less of a success.  I cut the front, but he freaked out when I tried to cut around the ears (he told me it was ‘very dangerous’) so he ended up looking a little like a 70’s Rod Stewart.  Yikes.

And Alex seems to be in never-ending teething land.  Poor kiddo.  I think he’s going to start crawling soon though – he’s majorly rocking on all fours and can back up, but can’t quite seem to move forward.  What a kid.

Have a wonderful weekend!

This trailer brought me to tears…

I hope Canada does it’s part in this terrible story.  Remember, our country is mostly made up of families who were immigrants too.  These photos of the children brings the story next door. They could be any kids playing in the park.

Need a summer book? I thought this one was great for an uplifting read and this one if you want to get scared!

This instagram account makes me laugh.

This made me just a little sad… what’s happening to our shopping streets? (I see more and more For Rent signs in Montreal too.. shopping online is great but supporting our local bricks and mortars are important too!)

Loving this new song from a local gal.

Mary Kate’s career advice is my mantra.

I’ve been struggling a bit with cheap children’s clothing and the conditions it’s made in.  This clothing is adorable and an ethical alternative.  (via Pomelo)


There goes the healthy eating…

Just this….

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Michelle Little

Writer & Photographer

Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy. Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.

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