What I’ve Been Watching

February 3, 2015 , In: Design, Living, Personal , With: No Comments

City Ballet

Winter + Newborn + Breastfeeding = TV TIME

Ok I’ve read some magazines and books too but when you’ve  got minimal sleep delving into American Pastoral (which I stupidly tried to do) is not happening.  So TV it is.

Here are my picks:

City Ballet on AOL – Holy hell is ballet hard.  These short little clips give a fascinating glimpse into the life of a dancer which is just so intense.

Grey's Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy – I’ve watched so much of these, these peeps feel like my friends (sad, I know).  Christina & Meredith, poor old Torres always getting screwed over and puppy eyes McDreamy.  OK season 7 seems to be reaching for straws a bit, but it’s pretty darn good.  Don’t know why I stopped watching after Denny died (when it seems most other people stopped watching too).

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The Mind of a Chef – Basically the mind of Momofuku’s David Chang narrated by Anthony Beaudoin.  This is pretty fascinating but there’s something about Chang that holds me back a bit.  I think he’s just into food in a next level that I will perhaps never fully appreciate or the way he talks or something.  I mean, I love him, but I don’t think we’d be BFF’s.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – I loved this mostly for the dreamy landscapes.  I’ve always been a scandi fan (Norwegian roots, a year spent in Denmark) and the views of Iceland and Greenland are fantastic.  Plus it’s a sweet storyline.


Pramface – Always a fan of British Television (it’s just that bit much more raw & honest) I liked Pramface.. prob because I could laugh at these two and their baby woes as I am going through the same.. minus the one night stand and teenage pregnancy thing that is.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine – I first found these characters completely obnoxious and annoying but they grew on me.  Even the whole tie and hoodie ensemble.


Somm – Even if you aren’t into wine this completely engrossing documentary about a bunch of geeky wine nerds trying to pass their Master Sommelier test is pretty darn amazing.  A test of the human brain.

Good Ol' Freda

Good Ol’ Freda – A documentary about Freda Kelly who was The Beatles secretary throughout their entire career.  It’s a fascinating story about an unpretentious woman with a lot of stories and honesty.

Is there anything I’m missing?!


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Michelle Little

Writer & Photographer

Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy. Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.

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