Is it OK to Tan?

June 10, 2015 , In: Beauty, skincare, Style , With: 5 Comments

One of the first things my paediatrician said to me about my son was to be careful with the sun exposure because his skin is so pale (and this is from a doctor that shrugs off most of my concerns).  I looked at this new little baby and realized that although it’s hard to prevent every bump and bruise, a burn is entirely my fault.  As a result I am super vigilant with the sun protection, hats and extended exposure. I think most people are pretty careful.  You don’t see too many tanned kids these days.

Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 9.15.22 AMAll this has made me question my own sun-status.  I used to sit and tan in the sun, but to me that almost seems like smoking cigarettes.  We know it’s bad for us and it’s easy to prevent.  I really don’t think I could take a sun holiday where all I did was sit and suntan all day long (and that would probably bore me to death anyways).  But what about incidental exposure?  I don’t want to be a pale polar bear all summer long.  As a result, I’ve decided that a little tan is OK but I still use sunscreen on my face, and if I’m heading outside for a long time, my body.


The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation has a few sobering facts including that 1 in 6 of people born in 1990 will get skin cancer, and there are more new cases of skin cancer every year than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined.

Are you a secret fan of tanning beds?  I can’t believe those even still exist.  This PSA is pretty in your face about it – very intense.

Also –

2015’s Best Self-Tanners according to Vogue

Canada’s Best Beaches, Quebec’s Best Beaches and 4 beaches right here in Montreal

We stock up on this sunscreen for the kids.

Do you tan anymore?  Would you go on a holiday and sit in the sun all day long?  Am I being paranoid?  What do you think about sun exposure, I’d love to hear your thoughts!


    • Mrs.D
    • June 12, 2015

    I’ve done enough reading to know that almost all sunscreen out there is more dangerous to us than sun exposure. I also live in a part of the world where Multiple Sclerosis (which is linked to vitamin D deficiency) is very prevalent due to our climate. So, no, I don’t wear sunscreen, except for whatever is already in my facial moisturizer.. I put an all natural sunscreen on my daughter if I know we are going to the beach or the water park or going to be outside away from shaded areas for an extended period time. But if she wants to play in the back yard for 20 mins on a sunny day, I just put a hat on her, make sure she drinks plenty of water and bring her inside for breaks from the sun. She doesn’t burn, and she can soak up previous vitamin d and I haven’t overloaded her already sensitive skin with unnecessary chemicals.

      • Michelle
      • June 12, 2015

      That’s very interesting. I will have to check out some natural sunscreens for myself and the kids. Thanks for commenting!

    • Kirsten
    • June 13, 2015

    it doesnt really make sense that skin cancer rates are soaring when the use of sunscreen is way more prevelant than it used to be. Everyone uses sunscreen now and when I was a kid noone did. Obviously the chemical laden cocktails that are baking on our bodies are doing more harm than good. We use all natural sun protection only and always get some unprotected sun time for vitamin d.

      • Michelle
      • June 14, 2015

      Hi Kirsten – thanks for commenting! I am going to do more research on sunscreen before my next purchase!

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Michelle Little

Writer & Photographer

Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy. Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.

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