How cute is this Squirrel Nut Bowl? My sister bought it for me as we both fell in love with the design and it’s somewhat usefulness (vs the French bean slicers which were also for sale… I’ve seen a lot of recipes and I’ve NEVER seen one which required French beans to be sliced!) We bought it at Heals which is an amazing old furniture store located on Tottenham Court Road. The bowl is from a company called Sagaform which is a Swedish company with a heavy dose of Nordic Design. The best part of it though is that on the packaging it explained that it was designed by a certain Ylva Olsson who just received her Masters in 2007! I was pretty amazed when I read that she had relatively recently finished her school, and yet I owned one of her designs.
I checked out Sagaforms website and was pretty impressed. I tried to find out where more of their products were sold but they never wrote me back
Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy.
Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.
I love this product and I really like the setup for the picture. Keep on posting them…